News / snoop
Nov 08, 2013
Snoop leak detection fluid is too expensive
Replace one pallet of Snoop with 6 cases of Heavy-Duty Leak Detection Fluid™ Concentrate (HD-LDF-C) I wish I had a nickel for every time I've heard someone say: “Snoop is too expensive”. Some managers are so strapped financially, that they resort back to using plain old soap and water. Unfortunately, using a solution designed to cut grease is not very effective in finding leaks. The result is compromised accuracy and increased time required to get the job done right. The most cost-effective and accurate solution is Heavy-Duty Leak Detection Fluid™ Concentrate (HD-LDF-C), a concentrate you dilute on-site, specific to the unique...
Oct 20, 2013
Alternative Fuel Industry (LNG/CNG) Fleet Vehicles
As the Alternative Fuel Industry (LNG/CNG) grows and expands, the required equipment and supplies to support the resulting manufacturing, assembly, maintenance and service activities for these natural gas powered vehicles has grown too. One area of need, is gas leak detection. Pinpointing the exact location of the leak in a system is key to making proper maintenance and repairs and ensuring safety of all who come near to, or in contact with the Liquid Natural Gas/Compressed Natural Gas systems through engine maintenance in the shop. ...
Oct 16, 2012
Customer Comparison: HD LDF C vs. Snoop
One of our industrial customers, based in Utah, buys Heavy-Duty Leak Detection Fluid from us by the 55 gallon drum. We send it to him pre-diluted and ready to use in a 4:1 dilution. That’s our stronger formulation which is perfect for tackling tough jobs, very slow leaks, and difficult surfaces or angles. We worked closely with this customer to determine that this dilution would be best for them. They like the more viscous solution blend because it covers large areas, for example over a large flange, and therefore gives more reliable results. Here are some highlights from our...