News / Industrial gas leak detection
Mar 05, 2016
Heavy-Duty Leak Detection Fluid Helps USA Export Energy
HD-LDF's latest customer is Cheniere Energy's Sabine Pass LNG (Liquid Natural Gas) plant in Cameron Parish, Louisiana. The Asia Vision LNG tanker left the dock at the Sabine Pass terminal at 7.39 p.m. local time, Wednesday, February 24, 2016, shipping data on Reuters showed.
Shale gas in the United States unlocked cheap, abundant gas supplies, allowing the USA to become an energy exporter instead of an energy importer.
HD-LDF played an important role in the construction of the new plant, by Bechtel Corporation. Bechtel Corporation is the largest construction and civil engineering company in the United States, and is the 4th-largest privately owned company in the United States.
HD-LDF not only outperformed the world’s leading liquid leak detection fluid, we also cut the lead time for large industrial orders from sixteen weeks to less than two weeks.
Heavy-Duty Leak Detection Fluid™ Concentrate (HD-LDF-C) is a new high tech external gas leak detection fluid, in concentrated form. Each 16 oz. bottle must be diluted with water before use. Recommended dilution is 7:1 and makes one gallon.
Benefits of HD-LDF-C:
- Saves you money. HD-LDF-C is a concentrate. Why pay to ship water?
- High viscosity to enhance contact time even on vertical surfaces.
- Proprietary formula provides incredible sensitivity in finding small gas leaks.
- Extremely thin film makes it easy to form bubbles, even at very low flows.
- Bubbles last ten times longer which makes your job easy and accurate.
- Versatile: Custom dilute HD-LDF-C for your exact application requirements.
- Covers smoothly and evenly on all materials of construction.
- Clings better, provides a more reliable and accurate read even in difficult places.
Freeze protected, freeze thaw stable, non-toxic, non-flammable, does not contain chlorine, aliphatic amine, or ammonium compounds. Made in the USA. Save time, save money and get the job done right the first time, every time, with HD-LDF-C.
Contact information:
Phone: 612-419-2923
Fax: 866-244-0476 -
Nov 12, 2014
Product Comparison: Snoop® Liquid Leak Detector vs. Heavy-Duty Leak Detection Fluid™ Concentrate
Let’s compare Heavy-Duty Leak Detection Fluid™ Concentrate (HD-LDF-C), manufactured in the USA by Extreme Bubbles, with Snoop® Liquid Leak Detector, manufactured by Swagelok.
Successful thin film leak testing depends on bubbles, so today we'll focus our product comparison on bubble life.
When you apply a thin film of leak detection fluid, in the presence of a leak, a bubble will form. You want the bubble to last long enough for the operator or tester to see the bubbles. Therefore, a leak detection fluid that creates long lasting bubbles is better than one that creates short lived bubbles.
Let’s look at some laboratory test data, comparing bubble life between HD-LDF-C and Snoop. The lab test method was as follows:
With this test method you create a bubble, about the size of a grapefruit. Next, you time how long the bubble lasts. Run a large number of these “bubble life” tests. Then, throw out the highest value and the lowest value. Add the bubble life times of all bubble tests and divide by the number of tests. The answer you have calculated is the average life of a bubble produced by each of the two test products.
Here are the results, measured in seconds:
- Snoop's average bubble life was seven (7) seconds.
- HD-LDF-C's average bubble life was an amazing sixty seven (67) seconds!
Our bubble life was almost ten times longer as compared to Snoop!
The extremely long bubble life means that HD-LDF-C is easier to use, more reliable and more accurate. HD-LDF-C is a concentrate. Each bottle makes one gallon. Dilute with water.
- Do you use Snoop liquid gas leak detection fluid?
- HD-LDF is half the cost of Snoop and works better.
- Save money with Heavy-Duty Leak Detection Fluid™ Concentrate.
Why pay to ship all that water? Order HD-LDF-C online store.
Purchase Orders:
1) Fax Purchase Order: 866-255-0476
2) Email Purchase Order: info .at. leak detection fluid .dot. com
3) Call: 612-419-2923
Save time, save money and get the job done right the first time with HD-LDF-C. If you can’t find a leak with this stuff, you don’t have one. -
Feb 28, 2014
Replace 16 bottles of Snoop leak detection fluid with one Heavy-Duty Leak Detection Fluid™ Concentrate
HD-LDF-C is a concentrate. Each bottle makes one gallon of solution. Dilute with water to meet your specific job requirements. Why pay to ship water?
Nov 19, 2013
Snoop leak detection fluid viscosity test
Snoop leak detection fluid viscosity test. Snoop leak detection fluid viscosity is similar to water. As soon as you apply, product runs off. Not with new Heavy-Duty Leak Detection Fluid. HD-LDF has much more viscosity and stays in place longer, even on vertical surfaces. Fresno Area Express Transit Authority, Fresno California uses Heavy-Duty Leak Detection Fluid. Their technicians noticed a reduction in product required to find leaks. LDF is viscous; it resists flow and stays in place. Other leak detection fluids run off, just like water. Save time, save money and get the job done right the first time with...
Nov 14, 2013
Heavy-Duty Leak Detection Fluid™ – Ecofriendly, Saves Money, Made in the USA
Heavy-Duty Leak Detection Fluid™ – Ecofriendly, Saves Money, Made in the USA Corporate Sustainability involves companies embracing Best Practices to sustain and increase profitability while not harming people or the environment. manufactures a robust, high-tech Heavy-Duty Leak Detection Fluid™ Concentrate (HD-LDF-C) that fulfills the goals of Corporate Sustainability plans. HD-LDF-C is non-toxic, non-flammable, does not contain chlorine, aliphatic amine, or ammonium compounds, thereby reducing risk of harm to people or environment. Additionally, because it’s a concentrate, there are fewer empty containers after product consumption. For example, it takes only 6 cases of HD-LDF-C to replace an entire pallet...
Nov 08, 2013
Snoop leak detection fluid is too expensive
Replace one pallet of Snoop with 6 cases of Heavy-Duty Leak Detection Fluid™ Concentrate (HD-LDF-C) I wish I had a nickel for every time I've heard someone say: “Snoop is too expensive”. Some managers are so strapped financially, that they resort back to using plain old soap and water. Unfortunately, using a solution designed to cut grease is not very effective in finding leaks. The result is compromised accuracy and increased time required to get the job done right. The most cost-effective and accurate solution is Heavy-Duty Leak Detection Fluid™ Concentrate (HD-LDF-C), a concentrate you dilute on-site, specific to the unique...
Oct 20, 2013
Alternative Fuel Industry (LNG/CNG) Fleet Vehicles
As the Alternative Fuel Industry (LNG/CNG) grows and expands, the required equipment and supplies to support the resulting manufacturing, assembly, maintenance and service activities for these natural gas powered vehicles has grown too. One area of need, is gas leak detection. Pinpointing the exact location of the leak in a system is key to making proper maintenance and repairs and ensuring safety of all who come near to, or in contact with the Liquid Natural Gas/Compressed Natural Gas systems through engine maintenance in the shop. ...
Sep 13, 2013
Heavy-Duty Leak Detection Fluid™ Freeze Protected
HD-LDF works in Freezing Conditions at a 4:1 Ratio Thanks to a valued LDF client for sharing with us that he proved our Heavy-Duty Leak Detection Fluid™ Concentrate (HD-LDF-C) diluted to a 4:1 ratio, outperformed competitive products in temperatures as low as -15 ⁰Celsius (5 ⁰Fahrenheit). Many customers have inquired about the suitability of using HD-LDF-C and Heavy-Duty Leak Detection Fluid™ Ready to Use (HD-LDF-RTU) in an environment with freezing conditions. Since much of the leak detection work is conducted outdoors, or in refrigerated areas, performance can be impacted if exposure to extremely cold or freezing temperatures prevents the applied...
Oct 16, 2012
Customer Comparison: HD LDF C vs. Snoop
One of our industrial customers, based in Utah, buys Heavy-Duty Leak Detection Fluid from us by the 55 gallon drum. We send it to him pre-diluted and ready to use in a 4:1 dilution. That’s our stronger formulation which is perfect for tackling tough jobs, very slow leaks, and difficult surfaces or angles. We worked closely with this customer to determine that this dilution would be best for them. They like the more viscous solution blend because it covers large areas, for example over a large flange, and therefore gives more reliable results. Here are some highlights from our...
Oct 14, 2012
Compare cost: Snoop vs. Heavy-Duty Leak Detection Fluid
Heavy-Duty Leak Detection Fluid™ is six times more cost effective than Snoop and the bubbles last ten times longer. This makes your job of detecting gas leaks easy and accurate. Save time, save money and get the job done right the first time with HD-LDF-C.Read more →